Actual times of sound fx and audio beds are
shown in parenthesis next to the title. This is the time of the
"purchased version" - not the length of the clip you can listen to
Prices vary depending on the sound effect, so
click on "BUY!" to see the price listed in the shopping cart.
Prices range from $.99 to $2.99 per sound
Please see our products on the
Environmental Soundscapes page
too! We have 5.1 Surround Sound Ocean Waves available.
Our sound fx and audio beds are non-EQ'd and
untreated. That way, you can take what we've recorded and process
them however you would like. If you would like us to custom
process an effect for you please contact us.
If you are in need of custom-created sound fx
or audio beds for your project please
contact us - we'll be glad to help you out.
3-D AudioScapes has partnered with DIAMONDIGITAL MEDIA to provide
our shopping cart services for our website. Your credit card statement
will show "Diamondisc Audio" as the merchant on any purchases made from
our website.